In today’s busy world it can be difficult to keep up with all the chores around the house. It’s become even more difficult keeping the house tidy now that most people are working from home. The kitchen tends to be the one area in the house that never stays clean.

So to help you tackle your weekly cleaning tasks we’ve provided a Zoflora checklist for your kitchen. Even though your kitchen looks clean there may still be bacteria lurking on some surfaces. Read on to find out how to keep your kitchen spick and span and bacteria-free!

Your Zoflora Checklist for Cleaning Your Kitchen

To help you with your weekly deep cleaning tasks we’ve put together a Zoflora checklist for you to follow. You can add these tasks to a spreadsheet so that you don’t forget them while you’re cleaning your kitchen. Take a look at these kitchen cleaning tasks below.

Cleaning Your Sink, Taps and Dish Rack

First up on your Zoflora checklist is cleaning your sink, taps, and your dish rack. Your sink is the most important space to keep germ-free because this is where you wash your dishes and rinse off your produce when you cook.

Since your dish rack is in constant contact with dirty dishwater it can get grimy after a while. To keep it clean, simply spray your diluted Zoflora directly onto the dish rack and wipe it down with a cloth. Using Zoflora will kill all the germs and bacteria on the dish rack’s surface.

Harmful bacteria can also be growing on your taps and around your sink. To disinfect your sink and taps, spray Zoflora directly onto these surfaces and wipe them down with a cloth.

The Zoflora will wipe away stubborn grime and watermarks and kill 99.9% of bacteria and germs on taps and around your sink.  

Disinfect Your Fridge  

While you may not deep clean the inside of your fridge every week it’s important to disinfect the outside of your fridge every day or weekly. Your fridge door handle is one of the dirtiest places on your fridge because people are constantly touching it to open and close the fridge door.

The only way to kill the germs and bacteria growing on your fridge door handle is to use Zoflora. Spray your Zoflora directly onto your fridge handle and all over the outside of the door. Leave the Zoflora on the surface for up to 1 minute to kill the microorganisms living on the door’s surface.

Take a cloth and wipe down your fridge thoroughly. The diluted Zoflora will wipe away dirt, fingerprints, and bacteria from the fridge door easily.

Keep Your Counters Bacteria Free

Your countertops should be wiped down every day to kill any germs or bacteria growing on the surface. Be sure to remove items from the counter before you start wiping it down with Zoflora so that you don’t miss any spots.

Simply spray your Zoflora directly onto your counter, and then wait 1 minute before wiping the residue away with a cloth. You can also learn how to make Zoflora wipes so you always have a wet wipe on hand to clean spilt food or drink off of your countertops.

Your Floors Need Regular Cleaning  

Family and pets are always walking up and down the floor with dirty feet or shoes. What’s more, you can tread harmful bacteria and viruses into your home. That’s why you must clean your floors regularly with Zoflora to eliminate any harmful microorganisms from your floors.

To clean your floors, grab your bucket and fill it with hot water. Then add 2 to 3 capfuls of Zoflora concentrate to the water and then mix it together with your mop. The Zoflora water will disinfect your mop before you use it to clean your floors.

One of the advantages of Zoflora is that it removes sticky messes off of floors easily and it tends to lighten the grouting in between your tiles.

For spot cleaning simply spray Zoflora directly onto a dirty spot and clean it up with a cloth or a mop.

Your Microwave May Need Some Extensive Cleaning

The outside of your microwave can have multiple types of bacteria growing on its surface similar to your fridge handle. Spray the outside of your unit with Zoflora and leave it to sit for 1 minute before wiping away the residue. Cleaning the outside of your microwave with Zoflora will eliminate all potential viruses and bacteria growing on the unit’s surface.

Keep Your Stove Tops Shining

Stovetops can get grimy from oil and food splashes. If you don’t clean the food or oil off immediately it can turn into mould and it can be difficult to clean off. After cooking your meals, simply spray diluted Zoflora onto your stovetop and wipe it down with a clean cloth.

Make sure your stove is off and completely cooled down before you clean it off to avoid getting burnt.

Are Your Shelves Dusty? – Here’s How to Clean Them

Shelves can get dusty especially if they’re open. To keep your shelves dust and bacteria-free, spray them down with Zoflora and leave the cleaning aid to do its magic for up to 1 minute. Then simply wipe away the Zoflora residue with a cloth. It’s that easy! Shelves should be cleaned every one to two weeks.

Final Thoughts

Do you have your Zoflora checklist in place? Make sure you add all the tasks to your to-do list so that you don’t miss a spot. Your kitchen is where you prepare food and where your family gathers so it’s important to keep it clean and bacteria-free.

All you need to complete your cleaning tasks is a bottle of your favourite Zoflora concentrate. There are plenty of fragrances to choose from but you may want to try out Zoflora’s winter range.

So what are you waiting for? Head on to the Zoflora website to find your fragrance and accessories to keep your kitchen clean and free from harmful bacteria and viruses.