Zoflora can be used for so many wonderful cleaning tasks. Some tasks come naturally and others we learn about as we go. Last week we asked our Zoflora addicts to share some of their experiences with us, such as  where and how they’ve used Zoflora.

We came across an interesting one that I am sure a few have had to experience too. Today we will be talking about stains and removing them. Stains can be incredibly difficult to remove, especially if not caught in time. I am sure many can relate. 

Continue reading to hear more about a hair dying nightmare!


Stain Nightmare!

I am sure we all know the difficulties of dying our hair ourselves, it can indeed be a tedious task. Trying to get the back of your head without missing any spots, making sure your skin stays the correct colour and not getting dye all over you. But the main issue is trying not to splatter drops all over the floor and walls. 

Our Zoflora Addict of the week had this exact problem. She was going through the crazy motions of trying to dye her hair red. Things were going well, she was almost at the finish line and then it happened! That slow motion experience you go through as you watch a stain in the making as it hits the floor. Her red hair dye messed straight on to her light carpet. This brought on a surge of panic and thoughts raced through her mind as to what could be done to make the stain go away. After a few seconds of anxiety, she clicked. It’s Zoflora time!

Running to get a freshly made bottle of Zoflora, a cloth and lemon juice, she took her Zoflora, sprayed it on the area, added a few drops of lemon juice and dabbed. This process was repeated 3 times and then it happened. She lifted the cloth, and the stain was gone. Zoflora saved the day, with the help of a bit of lemon juice and dabbing, the stain to be, was removed. 

Tips on removing a stain or mess with Zoflora:

  1. Mix your favourite fragrance of Zoflora together with water in 500 ml bottle (2 caps + 500ml water)
  2. Spray on the area and let it sit for a minute or two
  3. Dab the area (never rub this can cause the mess to spread)
  4. Repeat the process a few times
  5. Vacuum the carpet area if necessary to dry out a bit

There are many ways of using Zoflora, some we know of and some we have yet to discover. We can’t wait to hear more experiences and share them with all our Zoflora addicts. Keep sending them in, so we can share our stories in the Zoflora community.