Pet messes can leave a foul odour behind as well as bacteria and they can stain your floors. It can be difficult to get the odour out especially if you don’t clean the mess immediately. Zoflora is the best solution to getting rid of pet odour when cleaning up messes.

But how do you clean different types of floors? Is there a specific method that you need to follow? Find out everything you need to know in this post. We’ve given you tips and tricks to clean pet messes on different types of floors using Zoflora.

Pet Messes On Hard Floors

Every home or room inside a home will have different flooring. Your bathroom will be tiled while your lounge may be carpeted. Other types of flooring include:

  • Porcelain or ceramic tiles
  • Hardwood
  • Laminate floors
  • Stone
  • Concrete

If you have hard floors then cleaning up pet messes will be easier using your trusty bottle of Zoflora. Use paper towels to pick up faeces off the floor. If the pet mess is urine then lay paper towels over the puddle to soak up most of the liquid.

You can either mop the area or spray it using Zoflora. We suggest making Zoflora wipes to clean up the rest of the mess off your floors. The advantage is that Zoflora neutralises odours and kills all germs and bacteria left behind by pet messes.  

Disclaimer: The only floor type you can’t use Zoflora on is wooden floors. To clean pet messes on hardwood floors, mix a solution of white vinegar and water to remove stains and odours.

Pet Messes On Carpets and Rugs

Pet messes on carpets is every homeowner’s nightmare. Not all carpets are stain-resistant and some have high piles and can be difficult to clean. Follow this step-by-step guide on how to clean pet messes off of carpets or rugs:

  1. Put on disposable gloves
  2. Use paper towels to clean up most of the mess
  3. Pour three cups of water into a bucket and ad two caps of Zoflora
  4. Soak a cloth in the mixture
  5. Wring the cloth out and use it to blot the area
  6. Keep wiping or blotting the area for at least 5 minutes

Ensure the stain is completely out of the carpet. If there is still a stain you can use a carpet brush to lightly scrub the area clean. You can also use Zoflora in a carpet cleaner if you have one. Simply ensure you don’t mix Zoflora with other cleaning aids. Find out more about Zoflora safety tips here!

Pet Messes On Carrier Floors

Sometimes pets urinate when they’re scared and it’s usually when your fur babies are taking a trip to the vet. If you have a material carrier, you can simply clean off the majority of the mess with paper towels. Then put the carrier in your washing machine and pour one cap of Zoflora into your wash cycle. Make sure you rinse the carrier thoroughly afterwards because it can cause your pet’s skin to itch if you don’t.

Cleaning pet messes out of plastic carriers is easier. Simply wipe up the majority of the mess with paper towels. Then pour water into a 500ml Zoflora spray bottle and add two caps of Zoflora to the liquid. Spray your pet carrier and wipe it down with a clean cloth.

Safety Measures When Using Zoflora Around Pets

When cleaning any pet mess with Zoflora make sure the area is thoroughly dry before allowing your pet to enter a room. Like any cleaning aid or disinfectant, Zoflora is a chemical and needs to be handled with care. Carriers, bedding and eating areas must be rinsed and dried properly to prevent your pets from getting itchy skin or allergies.

Final Thoughts

The best Zoflora product to use for pet messes is Coastal Breeze. It has a fresh scent that will neutralise any pet odour. What’s more, you can use Zoflora to disinfect other pet areas such as eating, sleeping and play areas. Use this article to guide you when cleaning up pet messes on different types of flooring.