Did you know that Zoflora has been keeping homes clean for almost 100 years? The Zoflora concentrate is formulated to kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses in the home. What’s more, it’s been proven that Zoflora kills the COVID-19 virus.

But how does Zoflora kill the COVID-19 virus and has it been scientifically proven? That’s what you can find out in today’s article. Continue reading to find out why Zoflora is so effective against harmful bacteria and viruses and how it works.

The Disinfecting Power of Zoflora  

The Zoflora concentrate contains active ingredients that have an antibacterial that helps to eliminate bacteria and viruses. Zoflora is powerful enough to kill harmful microorganisms even when it’s diluted.

Harmful bacteria such as Rotavirus, Salmonella, and E-coli are no match for Zoflora because the concentrate has been proven to kill 99.9% of these harmful microorganisms. Furthermore, the concentrate also eliminates foul odours from bins, pets, toilets, and even blocked drains.

How Does Zoflora Kill COVID-19

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many families have been looking for new ways to protect their loved ones from contracting the virus. So the scientists at the Zoflora head office in the UK worked diligently to test the Zoflora concentrate against the Coronavirus.

Through extensive testing, it’s been proven that Zoflora is effective at killing enveloped viruses in a 1-minute contact time and this includes the COVID-19 virus. The scientists at Zoflora tested the concentrate against surrogate viruses and other strains of Coronavirus. After proving that the formula was effective at eliminating these viruses a test was done to see if it was effective against the current strain of COVID-19.

The scientists discovered that Zoflora had a 99.9% kill rate against the current strain of Coronavirus. So you can rest assured that the Zoflora formula will eliminate the virus when you use your diluted formula correctly.

How Zoflora to Kills Viruses

Many people want to know how disinfectants like Zoflora work to eliminate harmful viruses and bacteria. Well, Zoflora contains special active ingredients that interrupt the lipid coats of some viruses. The process prevents these harmful microorganisms from spreading.

The scientists at Zoflora’s lab tested the effects of the concentrate by looking at the number of viruses within a test tube before and after adding diluted Zoflora. And based on their figures the scientists have proven that the concentrate does in fact kill 99.9% of the COVID-19 virus.

How to Use Zoflora to Eliminate the COVID-19 Virus

To keep your home virus-free and clean, fill a 500ml Zoflora spray bottle with water and add one cap of Zoflora concentrate. Then close the spray bottle, shake the solution well and use the spray on all your surfaces such as the following:

  • Door handles
  • Tables
  • Kitchen counters
  • Remote controls
  • Car keys
  • House keys
  • Bin areas
  • Surfaces inside your car
  • Cellphone screens
  • Laptops
  • Work desks

After wiping surfaces down with your diluted Zoflora wait 5 minutes for the area to dry. The same goes for any household object that you disinfect using Zoflora.

Final Thoughts

The advantage of Zoflora is that it’s a multipurpose product. Your diluted Zoflora can kill harmful microorganism, remove dirt and leaves a pleasant fragrance behind.

Use Zoflora in your car, around your workstation, and anywhere in your home to eliminate harmful microorganisms. Or use Zoflora as an air freshener. There are plenty of fruity, flowery, or spicy fragrances for you to choose from.

If you’re serious about protecting your loved ones from the COVID-19 virus then disinfecting your home, car, and workspace regularly with Zoflora.

Choose Your Fragrance

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