Earn Extra Money with Zoflora
Zoflora Affiliates earn 10% for every referral order placed with us.
Signup below and start earning money!
How It Works
See Step by step how to become an affiliate and start earning money.
Follow the steps to become an affiliate.
Step 1:
First you will need to register or login to your exsisting Zoflora account. You will receive and email with a link & temporary password.
Copy the password and click the link to make your way to your Dashboard.
Step 2:
Once you have logged in, make your way to your Affiliate Dashboard and on the right hand bottom corner you will see a WhatsApp Button.
This will redirect you to our chat!
Step 3:
Once in the chat please may you give us your name, so that we may confirm the activation of your account.
Within 24 hours you will be an active affiliate.
Extra Money with Zoflora
Zoflora Affiliates earn 10% for every referral order placed with us through their special link.
After you have signed up with us, you will then you will be able to access your Affiliate Dashboard
Your dashboard will look like this:
Once on your dashboard you will be able to view your Sales, Payment History, Creatives and Edit Profile. So let’s get started with Sales!
On your Sales tab you will be able to view any sales made through your affiliate link, the date of sale, status of sale, description of what was bought in the sale, your reference ID (which links to your personal link) and the amount spent on the sale. you can also view certain dates for sales.
This is how your sales tab will look
Payment History
On your Payment History tab you will be able to view your payments, which are all done through PayPal (before starting please make sure you have a PayPal account setup). The email used to signup with PayPal is the email you will add to edit profile.
This is how your payment history tab will look
On your Creatives tab you will be able to create your custom refferal links. These are the links you will use to advertise with on social media, WhatsApp, email or website. You will also recieve your own personal link.
To create a link for a specific product, simple copy and paste the page or product link you wish to use and click generate. This will give you your custom page or product link. These links are important as this is how your commision will be calculated.
This is how your creative tab will look
Edit Profile
Here you will be able to edit your contact details and payment details. This is where you will add your PayPal email for payment.
This is how your Edit Profile tab will look