Every family should adopt a puppy to give it a happy home and the best start in life. However, it’s not easy taking care of a puppy. Sometimes puppies make messes on the floor when they’re not properly trained but it’s nothing a little Zoflora can’t fix.
Nevertheless, dogs make an excellent addition to the family because you can teach your children how to take care of animals. But the most important thing is that you’re giving the puppy a second chance at life. If you’ve just adopted a puppy or you’re thinking of adopting one, then you may find today’s article helpful.
We’re giving you five tips on how to give your puppy the best start in life. Continue reading to find out more!
1. Before You Bring Your Pup Home
Before you bring your new puppy home make sure you have a comfortable place for him or her to sleep, a proper eating area and a place for your doggo to use the toilet. You can get a dog bed for a reasonable price at any pet store but make sure it doesn’t irritate your dog’s skin.
You also want to make sure that you have the proper food for your dog. There are pellets specially formulated for puppies aged one month and above. But you can also give your dog soft food as a treat.
Furthermore, you may have to give your new puppy a good wash in case he or she has fleas or ticks. Get the proper dog shampoo and give your puppy a warm bath to wash away the dirt and potential fleas he or she may have.
2. Schedule Routine Vaccinations
Just like humans, your puppy will need his or her routine vaccinations for rabies, canine distemper, kennel cough and more. Vets recommend that you vaccinate you puppies after six weeks of being born. Your fur baby will then need two booster vaccinations thereafter.
If you’ve bought your dog from a breeder he or she should give you information on the following:
- Their worming and flea schedule
- If the dog has had his or her vaccinations
- What the puppy has been eating
However, if it’s a rescue puppy you may have to take your new fur baby for a checkup at the vet and start making preparations so you can vaccinate your dog.
3. Buy Your Puppy Some Toys
Sometimes puppies get bored and this is when they start to chew up all of your shoes or anything lying around the house. To prevent your puppy from chewing your items you must buy him or her lots of toys to play with.
Visit your local pet shop and buy toys that are safe for your puppy to chew on. If you’re worried about toys carrying harmful germs into the house you can always disinfect them regularly with diluted Zoflora. Make sure that you rinse and dry the toys off after you disinfect them.
4. Get Your Puppy a Collar with a Tag
Puppies are rebellious and sometimes they run out of the gate when you’re not watching. If your puppy get’s lost you want to provide a way for people to contact you if they find your fur baby. So put a collar with a tag around your dog’s neck that has the following details:
- The dog’s name
- Your name
- Your telephone and cellphone number
Make sure the collar isn’t too tight around your dog’s neck or too loose. The material must be soft so that it doesn’t chafe or irritate your dog’s skin. The tag you use must be made from stainless steel so that it doesn’t corrode over time.
5. Training Your Puppy
If your dog is going to be an inside domesticated animal then you must train him or her well. The first few weeks will be a challenge as your puppy gets use to his or her bathroom breaks.
But if you don’t want puddles of pee around the house or piles of dog poop then it’s crucial that you train your dog to use the toilet outside when they’re young.
However, if your dog messes on your floor it’s easy to clean it up. Simply use Zoflora’s Fresh Home to eliminate bacteria and foul odours from pet messes.
On the other hand, you should also train your dog not to take food from strangers in case someone tries to poison your puppy. Furthermore, you should also teach your dog to walk with a leash so that he doesn’t pull you around during your walks together.
Final Thoughts
Getting a puppy will bring plenty of joy into your life. You’ll also bring plenty of joy into your dog’s life by providing him or her with love and affection. Use the tips in today’s article so you can create a happy home for your pet. And remember, if your pet messes on your floors, use Zoflora to clean it up easily.